In the summer of 1991, I took a family trip to Italy for a cousin’s wedding. These were all taken from the balcony of the house where I stayed in my father’s hometown of Bagnoli del Trigno. It’s a tiny little town in the Italian region of Molise.
#622. Fuji Super HG 400, Point & Shoot.#623. Fuji Super HG 400, Point & Shoot.#624. Fuji Super HG 400, Point & Shoot.#625. Fuji Super HG 400, Point & Shoot.#626. Fuji Super HG 400, Point & Shoot.#627. Fuji Super HG 400, Point & Shoot.#628. Fuji Super HG 400, Point & Shoot.
Foodie, oenophile, traveler, hockey player, teacher, husband & father. I am many things, but at my core, I am a writer and photographer. Give me a notebook, a camera and a pocketful of film and I’m happy. Going Lomo is where I share my love for film photography, because a photograph not shared, only speaks silence.