These photos are from my Film on Film project. A few years ago, I created a small photography studio in my basement. It’s really nothing more than a backdrop and a few strobes, but it has allowed me to practice shooting portraits and learn the fundamentals of lighting. Unfortunately, as time went on, the basement began to fill up with boxes and other junk and it severely limited my ability to do any real photography in my studio. After I shot the first two photos from this series, I built a small carboard set in a cramped corner of the basement and began to shoot my entire collection of film. Three weeks of continually contorting my body around the many stacks of boxes was enough to convince me that something needed to change. So last month I spent a few weeks of clearing out years of junk, putting up shelves and reorganizing everything. And while I’m not completely finished, I finally have a useable space in the basement. All that extra space allowed me to complete this project last week and I now have over 100 Instax Mini portraits, each featuring a different roll of 35 mm film.

I have shot photos with all four of the rolls featured here. I have been most impressed with the performance of Agfa Vista 100 and Kodak Farbwelt 100. I picked up both rolls from eBay and both are more than a decade past their expiry date. Give them an extra stop of light and they will reward you with some lovely photos! Fuji Astia 100F has also performed well for me. But I have to say, I found Rollei Vario Chrome to be a disappointment. It gave me photos that resemble the results I’ve had with Adox Color Implosion. The photos are washed out, faded and grainy. While not terrible, it wasn’t what I was expecting. If you have shot with any of these yourself, I would be curious to hear what kind of results you’ve had.