#2034 / #2035. Agfa Vista 100, Olympus Pen EED. Unicolor C-41 Powder Kit, 3:30 min @ 39 °C.
This is Ollie. He is my father-in-law’s dog and he followed me around the house as I snapped some photos. I’ve posted photos of Ollie and his good friend Milly before. Milly has since passed away. Ollie misses her.
#2036. Agfa Vista 100, Olympus Pen EED. Unicolor C-41 Powder Kit, 3:30 min @ 39 °C.#2037. Agfa Vista 100, Olympus Pen EED. Unicolor C-41 Powder Kit, 3:30 min @ 39 °C.
Foodie, oenophile, traveler, hockey player, teacher, husband & father. I am many things, but at my core, I am a writer and photographer. Give me a notebook, a camera and a pocketful of film and I’m happy. Going Lomo is where I share my love for film photography, because a photograph not shared, only speaks silence.