These photos are all from a walk I took in 2015 through Bernières-sur-Mer, a small town in Normandy, France that was liberated by Canadians on D-Day, June 6, 1944. This first photo is of a German defensive position, aka a “Tobruk”. It was designed to target invading soldiers by firing down the length of the beach.

These beach huts were obviously not present on D-Day!

A memorial to the liberation of Europe is located near Canada House (below), the first house to be liberated on D-Day.

The notches cut into the sidewalk curb were caused by the treads of Canadian tanks on D-Day.

Historical photographs from World War II can be found on many buildings throughout Bernières-sur-Mer.

On D-Day, Canadian soldiers had to clear the German snipers from the steeple of the Church of Notre Dame.