#2642. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.
This is Fuji Eterna 400T, the third of four rolls containing Fuji motion picture film I purchased from the UK.[1]I purchased Fuji Eterna 400T from The Photographers’ Gallery, however, it was hand-rolled by Nik & Trick. Introduced in 2006 as Fuji expanded their Eterna line,[2]Fuji Eterna 400T, 250T, and 250D joined the previously released Fuji Eterna 500T. You can read the press release here. this tungsten-balanced motion picture film features natural colors, smooth skin tones, and enhanced shadow detail made possible with Fuji’s Super Nano-Structured Σ (Sigma) Grain Technology. Eterna 400T features exceptionally fine grain that has been “precisely engineered to a thickness that minimizes reflections, effectively limiting light scatter and boosting sharpness”. In fact, this film’s grain size is 2/3 thinner than Fuji’s previous motion picture film, F-400.[3]For more details, Fuji’s brochure describes the technologies that are incorporated in Eterna 400T.
Despite all of Eterna 400’s features — fine grain structure, excellent sharpness, exceptional latitude, and a subtle color pallette with muted saturation, clean highlights, deep blacks, and smooth natural skin tones — my photos have noticeable grain, muddy skies, and slightly saturated colors that are not true-to-life. This isn’t the least bit surprising given that this is expired film. That being said, I’m impressed that the skin tones still look great and the highlights are not blown out given that I shot these photos on a bright, contrasty day.
#2643. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.
#2644. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.
I photographed the Nicari Acrobats at Inglewood Sunfest using an 85mm f/1.8 lens and an 85B color correction filter since Eterna 400T is meant for shooting in tungsten light, and not in daylight.
#2645. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.#2646. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.#2647. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.#2648. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.#2649. Fuji Eterna 400T, Canon Rebel 2000. Flic Film ECN-2 Kit, 3:40 min @ 41 °C.
Foodie, oenophile, traveler, hockey player, teacher, husband & father. I am many things, but at my core, I am a writer and photographer. Give me a notebook, a camera and a pocketful of film and I’m happy. Going Lomo is where I share my love for film photography, because a photograph not shared, only speaks silence.