After a fairly long stretch of -20 °C temperatures last winter, Sarah and I headed to Elbow Falls in the hopes that we might see a frozen waterfall. It was a gorgeous day at the Falls and a brisk wind made it quite chilly, but after a short hike, we discovered that Elbow Falls had not frozen despite the cold weather.[1]For photos of Elbow Falls during summer, see Elbow Falls and Elbow Falls Part 2 We spent an hour wandering around while I shot two rolls of film and then headed back to the car for a warm drive home.

These photos were shot on a 35-year-old roll of Kodak Kodacolor VR 1000 that I rated between 80 – 125 ISO. I developed this roll myself in Unicolor’s C-41 powder kit. I started processing my own film two years ago and have mostly processed black & white film. Four months ago, I tried my hand at developing C-41 and I have discovered that it’s pretty easy to process your own colour film. The hardest part is keeping your chemistry at the correct temperature. To that end, I use a sous vide immersion heater/circulator to maintain a water bath at a constant temperature. Then I place my chemistry bottles in that water bath and the rest is easy.
