These are from a day trip to San Sebastián in Spain. When I travel I often take a number of cameras with me and plenty of film. On this trip, however, I only shot two rolls of film (compared to the nearly 40 rolls I shot in France). In my defense, I met my wife […]
I took a trip to Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park a few years ago with a few other photographers. As we wandered around the ranch, we came upon a dog tied to a fence post. Naturally, we stopped to take photos. Soon after, the the family that owned the dog took notice and two children joined […]
The Historic Village in Tauranga, NZ is a “collection of original and replica buildings from early Tauranga”. It’s a sort of museum for old buildings — similar in concept to Heritage Park here in Calgary except on a much smaller scale and without the re-enactors or key attractions such as a steam locomotive or vintage […]
For the third installment in my Film on Film series, I have a lovely trio of B&W film: JCH Street Pan 400, Ferrania P30 Alpha 80, and Orwo NP7 400. JCH Street Pan 400 is a high-contrast film by Japan Camera Hunter that has given me mixed results. This is normal when shooting film. You […]
In 2015, I went to France on a World War I & II history tour. We visited many of the Canadian, British and American battelfields in Normandy. These photos were taken at Pointe du Hoc, which is the highlest point of land between Utah Beach to the west and Omaha Beach to the east. On […]
The highlight of my trip to China last year had to be the night markets. There is just so much to see and photograph. The streets and restaurant patios are filled with interesting people, while every shop is open with something exciting going on out front. There’s plenty of food, music, and all sorts of […]
I had high hopes for this film. I shot these photos in and around Bow Valley Ranch (in Fish Creek Park) a few years back when I was searching for the perfect slide film to cross-process. Unfortunately, Rollei Digibase CR 200 Pro didn’t live up to my expectations. Looking at these photos now, I’m not […]
After our adventure in the air, Sarah and I explored New Zealand’s Queen Charlotte Sound (aka Totaranui) by sea. We booked a 4-hour sea tour with E-Ko Tours that took us up the Sound to Motuara Island and back again. It was a pleasant experience and a fun day on the water. These are some […]
When Sarah and I visited Marlborough, we took a few days to explore Queen Charlotte Sound by air, sea and land. Sarah knew I wanted to see and do just about everything on my first visit to New Zealand and so she surprised me by booking a scenic flight over Queen Charlotte Sound with Pelorus […]
These photos are from my Film on Film project. A few years ago, I created a small photography studio in my basement. It’s really nothing more than a backdrop and a few strobes, but it has allowed me to practice shooting portraits and learn the fundamentals of lighting. Unfortunately, as time went on, the basement […]
This photo of a man pruning a topiary is from my first day in China last summer. The area around our hotel in Beijing was pretty nice and I often walked by this topiary on my way to and from the hotel.
Sarah and I spent a day at Ocean Park in Hong Kong. While wandering through the park, we came across a stage performance with dancers dressed in sailor outfits. It looked interesting so I stuck around to watch and take photos. But when they brought out the water guns, I felt like a little kid […]
When Sarah and I toured wineries in Marlborough, New Zealand, we stayed in Blenheim, a small town on the South Island. It was very peaceful and we wandered around town taking pictures. If you’re ever there, I highly recommend the Watery Mouth Café (third photo). It was so good, we had breakfast there every day.
It’s safe to say that Vietnam has millions of motorbikes and scooters. There are so many that it is having a detrimental effect on Vietnam’s air quality. The air pollution was pretty bad when I visited a few years ago. And with that many motorbikes on the road, crossing the street is an adventure! (If […]
I’ve become a little obsessed with Instax Mini film lately. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am currently working on a project using Instax Mini and so it’s been on my mind a lot. So much, in fact, that I awoke one morning with the idea that I wanted to shoot Instax Mini […]
These are from a trip to Lundbreck Falls in southern Alberta. They are from the day I drove down the Cowboy Trail with my photography club. It was a fun day and I would recommend joining (or forming) a photography club if you can. Photography can be a lonely hobby sometimes, so it’s a lot […]
The 4th Street Lilac Festival always draws a huge crowd here in Calgary. Vendors and food trucks line the streets, there’s live music, and even a parade. It would be a lot of fun, except for the crowds. So many people (and their pets) attend the summmer festival, that sometimes it reaches the tipping point […]
These are from a day I spent at Spruce Meadows photographing show jumping. I was quite thrilled by the way these photos turned out, especially #1167 above. It took me a few rolls before I figured out exactly how to get the best out of my Canon EOS 3 that day. I wanted to capture […]
I’ve been working on a new project. I’m photographing every roll of film I own on Fuji Instax Mini film. These are the first two rolls I’ve captured and they are part of a new series I’m calling Film on Film. They were shot using a Diana F+ with Instant Back and it took me […]