These were shot in Auckland, New Zealand. Sarah and I were taking a walk when I saw this girl sneaking up on some pigeons. I nearly missed the photo of her scaring the pigeons to take flight. I’m glad I didn’t. I took these using FPP B&W 100 film which is really Orwo UN54.
I shot this self-portrait with my Diana F+. At the time, I didn’t realize that I had forgotten to remove the Instax insert lens and so that’s why this photo is the way it is. There’s more from this roll of film if you’re interested.
I shot these at Lake Louise one winter with my then new Diana F+. I had been shooting Instax Mini with the Diana F+ and forgot to remove the little insert lens that makes the Instant Back work before loading 120 film. You can see it in the photos. It’s the oddly shaped black frame […]
When I first took up photography, I visited Union Cemetery quite a bit and took many photos. These were shot using FPP Red Scale 50 film from the Film Photography Project. The FPP no longer sells this film, but they do offer a Svema Red Scale 25 which I have yet to shoot with.
These were shot one day while I was driving around West Vancouver. They are from two of my favourite places: the beach at Ambleside Park and Starboat Cove at Lighthouse Park.
In November 1994, I took a trip to Australia with my best friend Barry. We spent four weeks exploring the continent down under. These are from Byron Bay, the most easterly point in Australia.
I have a lot of photos taken at Heritage Park. I’ve gone there many times simply because there is a lot to photograph. These were shot on Kodak Ektachrome E100 GX. I absolutely love Ektachrome and hope that when Kodak starts selling it again soon that it will be every bit as good as the […]
These are from Honfleur, France. They were shot using Orwo NP7 400 from Labeauratoire. Unfortunately, this film needed more exposure. As you can see, it turned out rather dark and excessively grainy.