I belong to a number of different camera clubs on Meetup and one of the clubs held a photo walk at Spruce Meadows. These were taken in the summer of 2016.
I shot these back in Autumn, 2016 at the International Balloon Festival in High River, Alberta. Hot air balloons only fly at dawn, so I had to drive out to High River early that morning to catch the action. There were very few spectators and I was able to set up my tripod in a […]
Last year I took a trip to Vietnam. I had an absolutely amazing time. These photos are from an encounter I had with some locals on the streets of Hoi An. As I was walking along the river, I spotted two women with baskets of fruit hanging from their shoulders and snapped a quick photo. […]
Here are the photos from week 3 in my 52 Week Photography Challenge. Week 3’s challenge was to take artistic photos of something red. While these photos may lack artistry, they certainly are red. I shot these in Edworthy Park.
These photos are from one of the few rolls of film to have survived my recent postal film fiasco. I shot these at YMCA Camp Chief Hector while I was out on a morning hike. I used Kodak Elite Chrome 100 film that I had cross-processed at The Darkroom. I love how some of the […]
My worst nightmare just came true. Eight rolls of exposed film have gone missing. They are lost in the mail, possibly forever. This is the challenge of shooting film: once it leaves your hands, it’s out of your control. You just have to trust that it will all work out. And while most of the […]
Here is the second installment in my 52 Week Photography Challenge. Week 2’s challenge was to take a traditional landscape photo. This was taken at Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. I shot this on some newly acquired Svema Color DS 100 film that I ordered online from Ukraine. Not bad for film that expired in 2002!
After a short hike, we finally made it up to Widgeon Falls. The guys and I took a much needed break to eat lunch and enjoy the scenery before hiking back down to the canoes and the long paddle back.
As we paddled along Widgeon Creek, one of the guys spotted a tributary to the creek. Despite the clear “Do Not Enter” sign and the chain across the entrance, we decided it was worth a further look. The water level of the creek was just high enough over the chain that we could paddle our […]
My first trip to Widgeon Falls was back in July 1994. My friend Kevin was getting married and he really wanted to do this hike for his bachelor party. So we rented some canoes and paddled across Pitt Lake past Siwash Island to the entrance of Widgeon Creek. But that was only the beginning of […]
I love the look of cross-processed Fuji Velvia 100. It gives beautiful pink and purple tones. These shots of the ferris wheel were taken in Heritage Park.
Back in January, I decided to take on a 52 Week Photography Challenge. Since I shoot film, it’s difficult to have the photos from each week of the Challenge processed in time to have them posted in the corresponding week. So I have to post my photos late. Week 1’s challenge was to take a […]
These are from the Opera Walk in the Italian Garden (Il Giardino Italiano) at Hastings Park in Vancouver. Hastings Park is one of my favourite parks because I grew up close by and have many great memories of visiting the park.
I shot these photos of the Sons of Fenrir and their camp during the 2014 Calgary Comic Expo on AgfaPhoto Vista Plus 400 film. The Sons of Fenrir are reenactors who portray 9th century Viking / Norse culture. I spoke to them for awhile and they were some of the most articulate and gracious people […]
These were shot in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France last summer on my battlefields tour sponsored by the Juno Beach Centre Museum. Courseulles-sur-Mer is beautiful and I took a lot of photos while I was there. The last shot is of the statue entitled Remembrance and Renewal as seen reflected in the glass of the Juno Beach […]
These were shot at the Calgary Zoo using Labeauratoire [kromiəm] 500 slide film that I then had cross-processed at The Darkroom. As you can see, the color shifted towards yellow. I don’t really like it cross-processed, so when I shot a roll at Christmas, I had it developed as E-6. It turned out much better, […]