Ektachrome Trees

The colour of the sky in these photos is one reason why I love Kodak Ektachrome film.
Cross-Processed Ektachrome

These are from the first roll of E-6 slide film I ever cross-processed and I was quite thrilled with some of the results. Kodak Ektachrome has since become one of my favourite films. It’s a shame that Kodak no longer produces it. These three shots are of the Grey Wolf enclosure at the Calgary Zoo. […]
Icy Stream

A few shots of the icy stream running through the raptor enclosure at the Calgary Zoo, February 2014.
Feeding Time for the Great Grey Owl

I snapped a number of shots in the raptor enclosure on my Calgary Zoo photo walk. The owls were often hidden and therefore hard to photograph, but I managed to get a shot of a great grey owl. Scattered all about the enclosure were dead chicks for the owls to eat. It may seem cruel […]
Rocky Mountain Goats

I managed to snap a few more photos of the Rocky Mountain goats at the Calgary Zoo. This time I loaded my Olympus Trip 35 with Kodak ProFoto XL 100 and snapped away. These were developed at my local lab and then scanned by me using an Epson Perfection V600 Photo.
First Photos at the Zoo

I signed up for a photo walk at the Calgary Zoo and brought along my Olympus Trip 35 and a few rolls of film. These are the first photos from that day.
The Famous Five at Olympic Plaza

These photos of the Famous Five at Olympic Plaza didn’t turn out the way I thought they would. I kept struggling with the zone focusing on my Olympus Trip 35 and sometimes forgot to set the focus altogether. I was still learning about composition so really these photos were just point and shoot with no […]
That Lomo Look

You may have been wondering why this film photography blog is titled Going Lomo. Lomo, short for Lomography, is a style of photography using vintage and toy cameras. Lomo photos are often characterized by saturated colours and vignetting around the corners. The ‘Lomo look’ can be achieved by cross-processing E-6 slide film in chemicals meant […]

I took these shots of the Calgary Tower and the Epcor Centre from the Olympic Plaza in February 2014 using my Olympus Trip 35 loaded with a roll of Four Corner B&W 400 film. I’ve since decided that this film doesn’t give me the blacks that I want. I prefer darker blacks and greater contrast […]
More From the First Roll

These are a few more photographs from my first roll of film. They were shot in downtown Calgary at the Olympic Plaza in February 2014.
First Roll

Here are three more shots I took with my first roll of film out at the lake at Auburn Bay. These were shot in January 2014.
The Start of an Obsession

I never thought it would be like this. For years I’ve wanted to learn photography. I always thought I’d buy a DSLR and maybe even take some classes. In fact, ten years ago I saved and spent a lot of money to buy my first digital camera: a Canon PowerShot S1 IS. I was very […]