I backed the Diana Instant Square on Kickstarter and while I love the look and feel of the camera, I was quite disappointed with it. It vignettes more than it should. I know that vignetting is to be expected with toy cameras, but when it ends up cropping the lower third of the frame, then […]
This is cross-processed Kodak Elite Chrome 100 and I love how just by varying the exposure, the film gave me a very different colour palette. I wish I had recorded the exposure of each frame on the morning I shot these photos, but alas I wasn’t that smart. I’ve posted other photos from this roll, […]
I like to experiment. Some experiments happen on a whim (“I wonder what would happen if I…”) and some experiments are methodically planned and executed. Given my busy schedule, the latter can sometimes take a few years. These photos represent two experiments: one a whim and the other planned. The First Experiment (the Whim) The […]
Taking inspiration from Keith Devereux, I decided to crash the party too. A group of film photography bloggers have all shared a post about the three cameras they used most in 2022. And so, here is my take on that theme. The three cameras mentioned below took centre stage for me and held all my […]
I photographed these Chilean flamingos at the Calgary Zoo. One flamingo spent an awfully long time with his head in the barrel. Maybe he was camera shy?
I shot these photos of some dancers at this year’s Lilac Festival. These are the only photos from my first roll of CineStill 400D where the skin tones look natural. Despite my complaints about desaturated skin tones (see my last post), I am still quite happy with this film. I especially like the soft color […]
Here are some more photos shot from my first roll of the new CineStill 400D. I shot these photos of music artist Amelie Patterson at this year’s Lilac Festival and was disappointed to see the way this new film rendered skin tones. These are not the “rich, warm skin tones” that I was expecting. Instead, […]
Earlier this year, CineStill announced the release of a new color film: CineStill 400 Dynamic! Many have assumed that this is the same emulsion as Kodak’s Vision3 cinema film, but without the Remjet layer. CineStill has assured us that it is, in fact, a new emulsion. Either way, I picked up 2 early bird rolls […]
Here are some more photos from my first roll of Adox Color Mission 200. Hopefully these photos capture more of the color saturation that this film offers. Take a look at the white picket fence in the first two photos (above and below). Notice how differently the white fence renders in each of the photos? […]
Back in April, I picked up 3 rolls of Adox Color Mission 200. These photos are from the only roll I have shot so far. If you don’t know the backstory behind Adox Color Mission, here it is in brief: Adox collaborated with an unnamed company to create a new color film, but after the […]
I’ve shared photos from this roll of Agfa CT Precisa 200 before (see When Expired Film Goes Bad), but at that time I did not know the cause of the spots. I thought it may have had something to do with the age of the film or poor storage conditions. I was partially right. I […]
The Canada goose is often considered a nuissance, probably because they can turn a beautiful grassy field into one covered with their excrement. On this day, they allowed me to photograph them relaxing in the morning sun.
This single photo is all that turned out on a 24-exposure roll of expired Kodak Max Versatility 400. It’s too bad because I was looking forward to seeing the photos I had taken while on a photo walk downtown last summer. I believe the other photos were lost, not because the film is expired — […]
I shot these photos at Fish Creek Park on the same day I shot similar photos on Ferrania Solaris FG 100 with my Canon EOS 3. It’s interesting to compare the two sets of photos as it really highlights what a good camera, lens, and film combo can do. (Hint: these are not the better […]