The Bow River often freezes over during winter. While it is not unusual to see geese on the ice, I wasn’t expecting to find an overturned shopping cart that looked like it had been thrown from the bridge.
I shot these photos at Union Cemetery 7 or 8 years ago when I decided to get back into film photography. I was exploring parts of the city I had never visited before and the cemetery fascinated me. As a result, I have way too many photos of Union Cemetery including photos of gravestones shot […]
The Superheadz Ikimono Flash 110 is a cute little camera. It’s too bad that the film advance on mine often fails to stop at the next frame and cock the shutter. It’s not uncommon for me to lose one or two frames each time I advance the film.
These are the last of my photos from the Bearspaw Classic Car Show and Shine. If you’re interested in seeing them, photos from the first set and second set have already been posted.
This is from a photo walk I took through Fish Creek Park the year after the 2013 flood. I went to see the damage from the flood once the park had re-opened and was deemed safe again for the public. I had a few cameras with me that day, but I only snapped this one […]
On the west side of the new Calgary Public Library building are two of three kinetic sculptures that move back and forth like a drinking birds. This art installation is called Trio and was designed and built by artist Christian Moeller.
These photos are from a photowalk I took recently around the East Village. This part of downtown has undergone a lot of redevelopment over the last few years and I thought it was time to take a camera and go exploring.
I shot these photos in Eau Claire (downtown Calgary) along the river. It’s pretty clear that my Kodak Six-20 Model C has some light leaks. I’m not sure where the leaks originated since I had the camera taped up and my examination of the bellows when I got the camera didn’t reveal any pin prick […]
As I was putting this post together, it occurred to me that I have never processed Fuji Velvia 100 normally. I have only ever cross-processed this film. As much as I like this look, fortunately, I have a few more rolls left and will have to develop the next one in E6 chemistry. These photos […]
These photos were shot on Kodak SO-554 200 film — a film I know almost nothing about. I came across this mysterious film one day while shopping online and quickly bought 3 rolls. All I can tell you is that the SO stands for ‘special order’ and the 554 is the order number. Kodak SO-554 […]
Inspired by Katie’s Half-Frame Diary, I decided that I needed a half-frame camera myself. I love the look of two half-frames scanned together. The two images form a diptych and the juxtaposition offers a unique opportunity for photographic storytelling. It’s something that I’m eager to experiment with. I already own a Diana Mini, and while […]
Every summer, I try to attend as many interesting events as I can and bring along a camera. In the past, I’ve attended and photographed hot air ballooning, show jumping, live music, the Calgary Comic Expo, and the engine run-up on a WWII Lancaster bomber, to name a few. But since the pandemic started, I […]
These photos are from in and around Banff. The first two photos are of Cascade Ponds, just across the highway from Banff. Sarah and I met up with a friend here and spent an afternoon catching up. I ended up with a terrible sunburn.
I shot these while wandering around Burnsland Cemetery when I was first experimenting with cross-processed film. I like some of the statues in Burnsland, but overall I don’t think it’s as picturesque as Union Cemetery, which is right across the street.