Last year, Sarah & I drove out to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, a UNESCO World Heritage Site whose history goes back approximately 11,000 years. We hiked along the interpretive trail where I took these photos.
We took an overnight train from Shanghai to Xi’an to see the Terracotta Warriors. There was very little privacy on the overnight train. Compartments had six berths and an open doorway to the corridor. We shared our compartment with a university student and a lovely Chinese family. In fact, there were many families with young […]
Sarah and I took a bicycle tour through the countryside of Yangshuo. But to get to the bicycle rental shop, we had to first walk through a rather sketchy underground parking lot before emerging on the other side in an alley where I took these photos.
On my first trip to New Zealand, Sarah took me to Skyline Luge in Rotorua. It was my first time downhill karting and we had a lot of fun that day. Sarah grew up in Rotorua so imagine her surprise when she discovered that Skyline Luge was also here in Calgary at COP. You can’t […]
Sarah & I spent an afternoon wandering around Ralph Klein Park. Even though Kodak UltraMax film is considered to be ‘consumer’ film, I quite like its color palette. I was happy with the way these turned out.
Sarah & I toured the Summer Palace on our first full day in Beijing, China. It was a spectacular day but Sarah wasn’t too pleased with me by the end. The temperature reached an incredibly hot 40˚C, and not only did I make her climb to the top of Longevity Hill to take some photos, […]
These are from the Juno Beach Centre in Courseulles-sur-Mer, France. The statue is called Remembrance and Renewal and is a memorial to the Canadian soldiers who stormed Juno Beach on D-Day and fought in World War II.
These were shot using my Ikimono Flash 110 camera by Superheadz. Sadly, this camera has a significant flaw. It often fails to stop on the next frame when advancing frames after a shot thereby skipping frames and wasting film.
I picked up 8 rolls of Perutz Primera 100 film on eBay and have been thrilled by how well this expired, discontinued film has stood the test of time. These photos were taken around Yangshuo, China.
Sarah and I caught the dolphin show at Ocean Park in Hong Kong. I was quite pleased at how well my Olympus Trip 35 managed to freeze the action of the dolphins jumping. These were shot on the new Kodak Ektachrome E100. Ektachrome is one of my favourite films and I can’t wait to shoot […]
As we took a walk through an old hutong near the Bell Tower in Beijing, I came across a group of locals playing mahjong. These were shot on Lomography’s new B&W film: Potsdam Kino 100.