
Six Sisters

the Six Sisters, Napier, NZ
These six similar looking buildings along Marine Parade in Napier, NZ are known as the Six Sisters. Not coincidentally, the second building from the left is the Six Sisters Coffee House which I always like to visit when I’m in town. The last two photos were shot on the back deck of the coffee house. […]
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Sunflowers #2

sunflower close-up
I learned a few things about photographing flowers when I created my Casablanca Lily photos, and I used that knowledge when making these photos of sunflowers. First, I maximized my depth of field on close-ups by setting the aperture to f/10 and smaller. This helped to keep all parts of the flower in focus. Second, […]
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house in Bernières-sur-Mer
These photos are all from a walk I took in 2015 through Bernières-sur-Mer, a small town in Normandy, France that was liberated by Canadians on D-Day, June 6, 1944. This first photo is of a German defensive position, aka a “Tobruk”. It was designed to target invading soldiers by firing down the length of the […]
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Havelock North

Havelock North Library
These are from a photo walk in Havelock North, New Zealand. This photo of a pink building was an absolute nightmare to scan. Getting the colours right was next to impossible. This was one of the images that tipped the scales for me and led me to purchase Negative Lab Pro. I love how someone […]
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